Thursday, January 03, 2008

today's fortune!!!

Today's fortune: You and your wife will be happy in your life together

source: my orkut home page

just tempted me to disect it a bit......r u guys out there in okut lost your mind, or u have no better things in life rather than predicting such a forcast!!! and i wonder is it a generic forcast to all ppl in orkut/ all aries in orkut /all ppl bork on 19th april?


teamea said...

14th jan is not too far away so dotn get hyper.. :) ;)

sunilsamuel said...

Get ready dude......!!!

आशुतोष कर said...

ha ha i finally found it fortune forecast by orkut was how unique.....and mede me feel better when i find this link accidentally ...

]\[ ][ '][' ][ said...

see..the scrap says u n ur wife will be happy but doesnt specify 'when'. buudha toh ho gaya hai lekin for bhi scope hai baba ;)